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Sennheiser Sound Academy

The Sennheiser Sound Academy offers you tailor-made learning systems and expert knowledge on an international level. As the company for professional sound solutions with a long-standing history, we can deepen your knowledge on new products or on service issues even when you already are a professional in your field.

Wireless Mics and Monitoring Essentials - Helsinki May 25th

This course is for new and existing users of wireless microphones and in-ear monitor systems who wish to further their understanding of the area for the benefit of their career. We are now pleased to offer a 20% discount for those aged under 24 years.

Target Group:

  • Sound engineers
  • Sound designers
  • Live events professionals
  • Students/apprentices
  • Sales people
  • AV Technicians

Learning Objectives:

A basic introduction to the technology behind professional Wireless Mics and In Ear Monitors.


Module 1 E-Learning:

Basic Acoustics & Electrotechnology:

Acoustics, Decibels, Electromagnetic waves, Distortions.

Wireless Mics & Monitoring:

Choosing a microphone, Wireless microphone components, RF transmitters & receivers, Antennas & accessories, Choice of frequencies, Wireless Monitoring

Module 2 Presentation, Q&A:

Discussion and questions regarding the E-learning.

Wireless mics & monitoring theory, frequency regulations, and licensing. 

Module 3 Practical workshops:

Workshop 1 Antenna technology:

Compare the characteristics of various antennas with respect to range and transmission security, as well as how to handle antenna cables, splitters and boosters correctly.

Workshop 2 Microphone technology:

To select and position microphones correctly. To ensure the optimum audio gain structure of the radio links.

Workshop 3 Frequency Management:

To set up multichannel systems with secure frequency management, and to become familiar with the interference that may occur when incorrect frequencies are selected.

Workshop 4: Wireless Monitoring:

Operate a wireless monitoring system.

Select frequencies in conjunction with radio microphones. Experience the difference between Stereo, Mono & Focus mode.


Expected end time 17:00


Jonas Næsby

Christian Almer Frederiksen

Number of Participants


Sennheiser Finland - Helsinki (View on Google Map)